Welcome to the Community Alliance & Action Network! “We are here...” for you!
The C.A.A.N. Community Center is the hub of our organization’s activities, but we form a community here in cyber-space as well! Our photo gallery can give you a 'taste' of C.A.A.N. and its members working and playing. And a natural extension of our outreach is our C.A.A.N. Cafe, our online forum where you can share, discuss, debate, question, learn, and network with others. Please visit the Cafe, register, and participate; this is YOUR community!
Just a few basic ground rules to assure that the Cafe remains a welcoming and safe place for all:
  • Think of this forum as being the same as going to your favorite coffeehouse: a friendly place to meet, share information, participate in CIVIL discussion and debate (without the caffeine and sugar!) Let’s all contribute to making this a supportive community for everyone!
  • While disagreement and debate make for a lively and valuable interchange, let’s generate light, not just heat. Foul language, nasty flaming of other posts or abusive, obscene, slanderous, hateful, threatening posts are not permitted and will be nuked, and the poster banned. Same with any material that may violate the law; ISPs will be informed as required (the IP address of all posts is recorded solely to aid in enforcing these conditions).
  • Keep your discussion to the topic at hand; start a new topic if you want to take a detour. Until we spin-off into interest-specific forums, anything of interest to our community is welcome, within the other guidelines here.
  • Networking’s great, but this is not a venue for pickups.
  • The webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit, with the goal of keeping the C.A.A.N. Cafe a friendly and supportive place for us to meet. Let us know if you see anything that makes it less so. Thanx!
Please join us in creating our community in cyber-space today!

Site design © 2006 MoonLake CyberSmiths
All Rights Reserved.